

July 29, 2024


Since the pandemic the macro-economic situation has changed dramatically. I don’t think this is a sudden change whatsoever, but a acceleration of the developments we have seen since the last financial crisis from 2008. Interest rates going down and exploring negative territory with states funding their investments with debt by printing more money.

EURCNY exchange rateEURCNY exchange rate

In a German WeChat group someone posted the above chart yesterday, and exclaimed What the heck is going on?”. So what has been going that would make the EUR appreciate over the RMB so heavily, all the while the ECB and EU are pumping out trillions to stabilize the European economy? Well, Corona has revealed certain positives about the European system. As surprising as it seems the old continent still has a couple of tricks up it sleeves. First, the capacity of European health care infrastructure is quite resilient and has helped to keep the outbreak under control in comparison to countries like the US, Brazil, India, or Turkey. Second, the stickiness of firm/employer relationships has proved resilient in the face of an economic storm. While companies probably would have like to get rid of their employees as fast as possible during the lock-downs European labor law simply makes this harder to realize. On top of that, countries with short-time working policies that subsidies employees wages have seen moderate success in keeping consumer demand-driven economical activity up. Third, the less divided political & media environment. While politics and media have revealed negatives about the United State, the EU is alas being divided, far less so than the United States who are pre-occupied by the legacy of racial hierarchy and the last half-century of widening inequality. During this dire domestic situation the FED lowered its interests rates, bought bonds & stocks, and ventured into the unlimited printing of USDs, all to avoid an even deeper economic fallout. But the FED also had to consider its money supply to the rest of the world, with the USD being the world reserve currency. The FED is responsible to pump liquidity in global markets to avoid a liquidity crash and drying up economic activity in its entirety.This combination of domestic & international liquidity needs led the FED to print about 70% more money than the ECB has printed in EUR. Lastly, a weakened Dollar has been on the agenda of the Trump policy all along. A lower Dollar could potentially makes goods Made in USA more attractive to global buyers, bring manufacturing back to the US and create blue-collar jobs, whose recipients would all belong to Trump’s voter base.

Now, the CNY depreciating against the EUR is just a side affect from all of the above. The PBOC owns most of the USD denominated debt in the world and the CNY is in many ways tied to the USD. The US is Chinas biggest trade partner and the economy of the US stuttering under the pandemic, China eventually sees less growth on the US market for their domestic products. In the broader scheme China also sees massive headwinds in global trade outside the US due to Corona and the longterm geo-political issues. To name just a few, see the move to de-globalization of supply chains to bring back manufacturing of essential industries back to local markets, the escalating trade war that hasn’t even come close to meet the Phase I Deal agreements, the ban on information technologies like Huawei, TikTok, WeChat and E-games in the US, the UK and India, the flaring border conflicts in the South China Sea and on the India/China border as well as the tensions around China’s Belt & Road Initiative and the alleged debt-trap diplomacy in Africa and South East Asia.

Further reading:

  • Don’t Ban TikTok. Make an Example of It.

On how to deal with social media specifically without erecting a version of China’s Great Firewall and reign in the excesses of monopoly platforms like FAANG. I expect a similarly transparency-driven approach from policy-makers for all information technologies going into this decade.

  • Whose century?

About the mistake of thinking we are in a new Cold War”. From Being’s point of view, there was no end of history in 1989 with the fall of the iron curtain and the ensuing Western dominance. For China there is historical continuity, manifested in the Tienanmen Square massacres. Westerners only have a crude understanding of China’s ideology. We should not comfort ourselves with the thought that because nationalism is the main mode of Chinese politics today, Xi’s China is just a totalitarian regime. This article helps to grasp the history between the US and the CCP with it’s gigantic mission and novel socio-political experiment of enrolling one-sixth of humanity in economic participation and opportunity.

EUR USD RMB CNY BTC bitcoin China USA Europe currencies
March 25, 2024


You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2024 resolutions.

With how much can I finish March?With how much can I finish March?

There are hardly any more restrictions due to Covid19 in China. However, as a foreigner I get particularly well check and controlled everywhere I go now. China is afraid of a re-import of the virus, and thus I am checked with a lot of scrutiny. At work we are obligated to wear masks until 01st March. From them we will also start eating as a group in the canteen again, as opposed to delivered meals to our individual desks. 90% of the shops I see in Hangzhou and Ningbo are open for business again. Some restaurants are still closed for reasons I don’t know. There are no more lock-down policies in place for restaurants, but I assume those shops closed still, have individual problems to re-open. Construction work has picked up all over the place and traffic as well as noise have increased significantly, almost back to what it was before the crisis.

China is back on its feet and ready to keep the economy pumping, for better or worse. While the west is boiling over, China has seen 0 new infections in the past five days. I am embarrassed at how negligent Europe and the US have handle the outbreak of this virus. While China was in crisis mode none of the elected officials in the west took action to prevent the spread, even though they basically had the chance to act as early as January or February.

I was even able to sign up for a marathon race that, god willing, takes place on 2nd March in Baozhou, Hebei. The best is that Eli is back with us in Hangzhou and adds so much fun and joy to our little family.


Finally finished War & Peace. A good book, but not one of my favorites. Now despite my plan to start a short book, I picked up the massive biography of German Chancellor Willy Brandt. It reads very well, but 800+ pages will take time.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h

I’ve built a good aerobic base in the last few months, but can feel my body screaming on the long-runs. My long run last Sunday was excruciatingly painful. I actually planned to run somewhere between 22 - 28k, but took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up with a good 31k. I still haven’t fixed my hydration problem. I need to get a camelback or handheld bottle to carry more water on my long runs. I have already reached my March goal today and am excited to see with how many km I can finish this month. My new goal is 300km. My updated training log.

- visit Germany once

No update.

- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

No update.

- sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, aim to be in bed by 9:30pm

I am doing excellent on this goal. Even last weekend, when Eli was finally back with us in Hangzhou I got at least 7 hours. It feels a little weird sometime to go to sleep at 9pm so that I can wake up for my morning run at 5:15am, but my body and mind sure thank me for the healthy lifestyle.

- use a scale to check my weight every day

When in Ningbo I get my measurements in. On the weekend I mostly forget about it which is fine. I measure my blood pressure during the week as well and am constantly above 120 & 80. I found that if I measure my heart pressure later in the day the pressure is within the norm. I think blood pressure is raised right after I wake up because of my fight or flight instinct responding to the phone alarm ringing.

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

根据自己的翻||墙经历顺带给大家推荐几款我用过还不错的梯子 ...:2021-3-2 · 根据我这几年的fanqiang经验,我使用过数十款付费微批恩,但现在还能在国内使用的并不多,现在我把我一直在用及过去使用体验不错的推荐给大家(其实能推荐的并不多),由于篇幅所限,我只列出其优缺点及价格信息,供大家参考。


Let’s see. I am thinking of several possibilities once completing one year in service at my Hooya

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday

I am not hitting the target day, but at least I write an update weekly.

苹果翻墙梯子 now running 苹果手机用的梯子 focus writing resolutions update resolutions2024
March 18, 2024


While the virus is exploding outside of Asia, we have the worst behind us in China. Covid19 might have originated in China, but from my reading of how governments react to the threat, it was also China where the most aggressive and effective measures were taken to curb the spread.

I not really surprised to see little central control in the US and Europe, where the virus has full potential to ravage thanks to democratic societies that hold up individual human rights higher than in China. Freedom of movement has only really been restricted in Italy, which has almost as many deaths as China by now. I sincerely wish that the approach in Germany and US will succeed in stopping the spread of the virus, but I doubt it. Western societies and their governments still underestimate the danger of the virus. After living in China for 5 years, I know that China would have liked to do everything else, rather than crash their economy as they did. This was the first time I saw health valued higher than capitalism in China. On an individual and a societal level. Truthfully, I wasn’t here during the SARS outbreak, but the reaction this time around was quick & resolute.

One might also note that only a healthy society can resume the economy at the speed it’s been before the pandemic. So while China has first and foremost avoided a national health crisis, it has also avoided a complete economic disaster thanks to the stop-and-go approach.

Some more essential reading on the virus:

  • FAZ on the reverberations on our global society. In German.

  • Report to the German parliament on risks in civil protection. From 2013 this reads like a blueprint for Covid19. In German.

  • NYT on whether we are overreacting to the virus.

  • Chinas guidelines on medical treatment of Covid10 In German.

  • NYTs Donald McNeil on what the west can learn from China in fighting the virus

corona covid19 china virus
March 18, 2024


Maybe the greatest podcast episode of all time” - Guardian

I have to agree with the Guardian. Yesterday was the first time I listened to the reply-all podcast, but this episode made me smile from ear to ear and I want to recommend it to everyone who likes podcasts, has ever had an earworm, or loves music. So pretty much everyone, after all who doesn’t love music…

The case of the missing song” is a fanatic journey on finding the song that’s stuck in the head of a young man who remembers the lyrics and melody of the song remarkably well. But he can’t find the song anywhere on the internet.

安利一个我正在使用的梯子(2021年5月26日更新) | Kouss博客:2021-5-26 · 线路有这些,根据流量倍率使用,一般倍率越高速度越快。 比自己买海外服务器+搭建更加多选择,门槛也更低。 iPhone的ss客户端需要美区账号(且付费)才能下载,有些公众号有小火箭的共享账号,自己搜一下。其他客户端参考他伔网站的帮助文档,都会有详细介绍。

I subscribed to reply all, and you will too. Just go listen now.


music podcasts ocd
March 16, 2024


You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2024 resolutions.

iPhone如何挂梯子hiking to Five Clouds Temple (五云寺)in Hangzhou

- 25 books War & Peace just keeps going on and on. It’s a great book and I like reading it, but it is longer than the bible and definitely tough one to finish. I am still doing well, and should really be finishing the book this before the weekend. I’ll pick my next book strategically short-paged, even though I know this sounds kinda dumb, just to hit my target of 2 books.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h I did a 30k run on Sunday. It was beautiful weather in Hangzhou and the track along the river was completely open after weeks of Corona fear. It was a wonderful run, the sun shining in my face, even giving me sunburn, and hundreds of people out and about at the same time letting dragons fly or practicing with their long boards. I was also better prepared for this long run than last week. I had more nutrition and water with me. Ultimately though I could have eaten one more gel, just to finish the run as strong as I started it. I might finish my monthly target of 250k early this week, with just 89km left to run. 89k is also exactly what I ran last week, so a very attainable goal with so much progress already made this month. I joined the PR Marathon Program last week, which also put me into the Strava Club with roughly 200 more serious” runners. I thought I could finish last week in the Top10 of said club with my 89km weekly distance, however I barely made it into the Top10 with one runner finishing an astonishing 200km in one week. My updated training log.

- visit Germany once Less homesick than I was after returning from Germany, but still have to keep this goal in mind for Eli & Jade.

- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

西语助手|西汉-汉西词典 梯子是什么意思_梯子的西语解释和 ...:他伔登上 梯子 去摘高枝上的苹果 。Aquí hay una escalera. 这里有一架 梯子。声明:众上例句、词性 类均由互联网资源自动生成,部 未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不伕表本软件的 ...

- sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, aim to be in bed by 9:30pm

Doing pretty pretty good on this. Despite needing a full nights sleep yesterday, after my long run, I had problems falling asleep and feel very tired from the weekend hike and run. The weekdays should give me the freedom to go to bed early again and lock-in much needed sleep to combat another physically challenging running week.

- use a scale to check my weight every day

I did better last week, and only forgot it on the weekend in Hangzhou. I also came to the conclusion that this is a very unimportant goal as long-term weight gains and losses will be felt much more dominantly in hip width than on the scale. Still, keeping this up until at least July to see how my daily life will reflect on the results over time.

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

Doing well! Getting easier and easier cause I just replaced my phone with books.

- earn a promotion

Corona is underway in the rest of the world, while China is relaxing. I dare not to think of any personal economic outlooks just yet. I will keep doing my best, so just do what I do already, and reevaluate my situation in a few weeks time.

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday

Doing well today. It’s Monday and I am here writing down last weeks progress. Not bad, not bad at all.

Eli is still not home, and I am getting very pissed at my mother-in-law who refuses to travel back to Hangzhou with him on the grounds of transportation inconveniences. We had 2 amazing weekends in Hangzhou, where it would have been awesome to have Eli with us. This week we went hiking on a trail just a short walk from our house and had great time with delicious food to top it all off.

To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.

goals now running family focus writing resolutions update hiking resolutions2024


You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2024 resolutions.

- 25 books I made some nice progress on War & Peace and will finish by the end of the week, giving the second half of the month to read another book. I was hoping to have read 7 books by the first quarter of 2024, but what gives! It’s not a competition and I still plenty of time to go. Recently, I’m asking myself if my reading pace increases, just like my running pace increases from training.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h I did a painfully exhausting 32k on Saturday. It was my longest recorded distance so far, and while it feels good to have this run in the bank for my aerobic base, I did feel very fatigued and dehydrated. I really need to take care of my water intake on such long runs, especially now that the weather get sunnier and warmer. With the virus spreading globally and events canceled left & right, I might not get a chance to run any official marathon this year. It would be quite the start to my running career”, with a massive base building phase thanks to Covid19. My updated training log.

- visit Germany once Less homesick than I was after returning from Germany, but still have to keep this goal in mind for Eli & Jade.

- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

No update, it’s winter still and this is definitely something for summer, before Eli goes to kindergarten.

p站(Pixiv)无需科学上网(不用VPN翻墙梯子)也能正常在线 ...:2021-6-13 · 2 最新版Mac OS 10.15.5 黑苹果系统分享,直链下载,无需任何密码 3 Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4 黑苹果系统分享,直链下载,无需任何密码 4 p站(Pixiv)无需科学上网(不用VPN翻墙梯子)也能正常在线打开的方法分享 5 百度SEO算法大盘点(2021-5-28日更新)

苹果能用的梯子-网站下载:2021-2-10 · 苹果能用的梯子 苹果能用的梯子:根据中金公司分析,受到经济周期的影响,较为传统的地产和金融业在过去一年中整体表现较弱! 乌克兰必须反对,道理不说诸位也都明白。或者他伔是觉得俄罗斯一时半会造不起那么多中程导弹,而能帮着美国拔 ...

- use a scale to check my weight every day

梯子之王最新版|梯子之王游戏下载_v1.0_单机8下载站:2021-6-12 · 梯子之王游戏梯子之王游戏是一款休闲的游戏,这里面有各种趣味的关卡,可众根据你的判断找到破解的方法,搭上梯子来冒险吧。有兴趣的系小伙伴快来下载试试吧!!最可靠的下载

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

西语助手|西汉-汉西词典 梯子是什么意思_梯子的西语解释和 ...:他伔登上 梯子 去摘高枝上的苹果 。Aquí hay una escalera. 这里有一架 梯子。声明:众上例句、词性 类均由互联网资源自动生成,部 未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不伕表本软件的 ...

- earn a promotion

It’s increasingly more difficult to think of a promotion this year. The whole world economy is sliding into a recession thanks to the epidemic, which eventually will effect my companies ability to grow and promote me. I am still figuring out other options and have my thoughts laser focused on finding a business opportunity that allows me to promote myself.

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday

Yeah, I meet half of this goal. It’s not always Mondays, but at least I sit down once a week to write down my progress and thoughts.

Eli has now been on Shengsi for about 2 months, and I haven’t seen him for 1 month now. Apparently there is no convenient transportation back to Hangzhou yet and stays on Shengsi for at least another weekend. I miss him dearly and just hope I get to see the little booger next weekend again. Nonetheless, last weekend with Jade was very nice. We had a beautiful Pizza at Angelo’s in Binjiang. Great thin crust and delicously melting mozzarella cheese. We also lounged around pretty comfortably and enjoyed ourselves during exercise, walking around or cooking meals together. The work week in Ningbo has finally seen some improvements in regards to the virus prevention measure. The travel restrictions around town have finally been lifted, my running trail is available again, and restaurants are slowly opening up. Work has been busy all week so far, but also pretty rewarding because I just got a shit ton of stuff done to the benefit of my reputation within the company. But really looking forward to the weekend now and wishing Eli would be in Hangzhou as well.

To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.

goals now running family focus writing resolutions update resolutions2024
March 3, 2024


I spent my whole career competing against The Times, so coming to work here feels a bit like giving in. And I worry that the success of The Times is crowding out the competition.

Ben Smith takes on an outsiders perspective on the New York Times in his first article. The article is somewhat in line with the media criticism of David Perell I pointed out last week. Since the US Presidential election has heated up, the Corona virus has been ravaging China and I have deleted twitter on my phone, I found myself reading the Times again much more. I have also been attracted by the really good podcast The Daily from the Times, which focuses on one specific news item everyday.

Frankly, I don’t find the Times reporting to be very balanced. It is heavily steered towards a moderate democratic US audience, with high praise for #metoo, but staunch criticism of progressive socialist Bernie Sanders on the other side, and elusive conspiratorial reporting on China. Nonetheless, I consider it the best newspaper available to me in the digital age, and his completely replaced CNN as my global’ news source over the course of the past 10 years.

I am debating to subscribe to the NYTimes as it publishes great in-depth articles and can allow itself as pretty much the only newspaper around to have its vast army of reporters on the pulse of the news stream around the world and 24 hours a day. An introspective and self-deprecating article like that is a noble approach to keeps its journalistic values of critical reporting alive. Its a step that once more makes my mouse hover of over that subscribe button.

More >

nytimes journalism writing competition capitalism monopolies


爬梯子吃苹果_爬梯子吃苹果html5游戏_4399h5游戏-h.4399.com:2021-3-26 · 4399为您提供爬梯子吃苹果在线玩,爬梯子吃苹果下载, 爬梯子吃苹果攻略秘籍.更多爬梯子吃苹果游戏尽在4399小游戏,好玩记得告诉你的朋友哦!

250k goal achieved in february250k goal achieved in february

- 25 books Well on track with 4 nice books finished thus far. Reading War & Peace does take me a little longer than I thought though. My estimated remaining reading time just doesn’t shrink and is still at 6 1/2 hours. I will have to put squeeze some less discerning books in-between.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h Last Saturday I ran for 28k in uncomfortable weather conditions and on a steep path in Hangzhou with 800m elevation gain. This was probably one of my most challenging training runs so far, but I felt absolutely stellar doing it and even assembled a couple of cabinets after coming back. During the run it became clear to me that I am ready to run my sub 4 Marathon in April, and for the first time I started calculating how much below 4 hours I can finish the race on the 12th of April. If I can keep up my training injury free I am looking at a race time of 3.30 now. Fingers crossed!

- visit Germany once Less homesick than I was after returning from Germany, but still have to keep this goal in mind for Eli & Jade.

- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

No update, it’s winter still and this is definitely something for summer, before Eli goes to kindergarten.

bb梯子游戏苹果版下载-android版:2021-6-13 · bb梯子游戏苹果版下载Android6.1.x众上,bb梯子游戏正版APP下载(Vv4.6.4是当下苹果IOS、安卓版流行速度快的APP(18.28M),音乐地图数据精确及时,android版下载安装量达492584人次,bb梯子游戏最新版深受大家喜欢的APP软件;

I am doing well on my daily sleep target, and now focus on sleep quality more. After listening to the Extramilest podcast on nasal breathing, I will try taping my mouth at night soon. I am still looking for the right surgical tape, but hope that this technique might fix my dry mouth issue in the morning and, as Patrick McKeown promised, improves the quality of my sleep.


Got my scale and a blood pressure monitor last week and have started to incorporate using both during my morning routine. It will take a few days/weeks to remember this step automatically, but shouldn’t be a problem do use both just before my morning run. The results are, as expected, rather boring, though I hope to see some improvements on lowering my blood pressure with persistent endurance training in the future.

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

I did slightly better last week, with not using the almost every morning and only using it twice or three times at night before bed. On a good day, I get up, out of bed and start exercising before looking at my phone in the morning. At night I now am more disciplined to read on my kindle instead of staring at YouTube or twitter. Again, deleting twitter has made this much easier and I am considering which other measures I can take to decrease phone usage in general.


I am fully back to work after the Corona virus crisis and last week was a busy and stressful week with some new responsibilities handed over to me. I am seeing this as a step in the right direction and will keep my motivation to work on that promotion. I realized that it has been no more than 7 months with Hooya now, and I can only really expect a promotion after fulfilling a full year. I am now looking forward to the next biz trip with the founder of the company to convince him of my hard work and effectiveness in making him more money. Trickle down economy is what I am hoping for here ;-)

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday 5am for 30 minutes + 30 minutes diary

Well, after now 6 updates like this, i still haven’t managed to write it at 5am once. Being a realist I am gonna change this goal to a more liberal Monday all-day schedule. Apart from that, I am happy in keeping up this progress report and help me focus on what I want to improve in 2024.

Last week has been a pretty good week in terms of fitness, career and sticking to my goals. I was very diligent on my running and put a similar effort into my work. Work was busy especially due to the some of the work that lay flat while the virus was raging. The weekend was equally busy with lots of distance behind me, and many pieces of furniture assembled for our new apartment. All that was missing for ultimate bliss was Eli, who is still on far away but save Shengsi Island with his grandmother. The little guy should be back with Jade and me next weekend and make us even busier, and happier.

To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.

goals now 苹果翻墙梯子 family focus 苹果的梯子 ios可众用的梯子 update resolutions2024
February 25, 2024


David Perell runs a business entirely dedicated to writing. He offers a course, called Passage of Writing, that was recommended passionately on twitter and peaked my curiosity very much.

Last week one of David’s own articles suddenly showed up as a recommendation in the finimize newsletter. It’s a very long read that took me two attempts to finish completely, which however is no indication of how much David’s piece resounded with me.

The news looks for Joseph effects when it should really be focusing on Noah effects. A small number of events carry outsized influence, but obsessive news consumers are too close to the action to distinguish the two. Past a certain point, consuming more data hurts our signal-to-noise ratio and can actually decrease our ability to make smart decisions. When the rate at which we think our knowledge increases rises faster than it actually does, we overestimate our knowledge of the world, act with over-confidence, and make stupid mistakes.

David makes the case for news abstinence or at least fasting. I have been trying news fasting myself by deleting my twitter app (though David also makes a big case for twitter) and cutting down my newsletters to just 3 subscriptions. I fully realize how news has become purely entertaining and over-dramatic and sought to stop my indulgence on this 24/7 cycle of breaking-news and public outrage over events I cannot influence and mostly don’t even influence me.

My wife convinced me through her consistent dis-interest in news that there was really nothing I would miss if I quit the news. She was doing just fine. And so am I. With less news and more time for the things that I can control and that control me, like my family and my mental and physical health. Part of my goal to read more books is inspired by my quest to read less fast food news, and instead read time proven works of literature. I.e. Tim Ferris pledged for himself not to read any books that did not stand the test of time and are younger than five years. I don’t think I have been reading many new books that I would have to impose such a rule on myself. Still, I think this rule is good as a general orientation to find meaningful works of literature that have succeeded in sending their signals, though being trialled by our fast-than-ever changing civilization. While by this logic good literature will be published consequently, regular readers are best advised to filter for truthful literature through a democratic process by early-adapters and experts in the prospective fields.

The march towards truth is a noble and worthwhile goal, even if we’ll never be able to understand everything about the present moment. Knowledge is the carrier of civilization. It’s the engine of progress, the story of humanity, and the torch we carry into the future. As Rene Descartes once said: Reading good books is like having a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.”

What strikes me most with David’s essay is the existential importance he ascribes to writing. Of course, David himself has a business interest in that his readership raises the writing skills on a pedestal, and I am can’t blame him for it. As a father, I agree wholeheartedly with him in calling for an education that puts more focus on the humanities than on capitalistic skill sets, for my sons’ joie de vivre will not be founded on money and status, but on savoir vivre.

Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise — as priests, prophets or philosophers are wise. Specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine.”

It is worth your time to bookmark David’s article and read it when you have time. No rush needed - it’s no breaking news.

More >

long-read writing reading news focus importance
February 24, 2024


You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2024 resolutions.

Runner’s breakfast - congee of red & white rice, banana, jujube dates, milkRunner’s breakfast - congee of red & white rice, banana, jujube dates, milk

- 25 books I am absolutely on track with 4 finished books and another about half way done. I think deleting twitter helped. Also being back alone for work in Ningbo helped. an hour a day of reading and this goal is no problem this year.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h I took 5 days rest in between Shengsi Island and Ningbo. The weather just wasn’t good enough in Shengsi with lots of wind and rain the last few days before my departure. Back in Ningbo, I am finally returning to my routine of early morning runs. Only impediment now is that the local authorities have blocked access to the pathway along the river, in effort to control migration of local residents and stop any potential spread of the Corona virus. I am a little bit behind my goal of 250k per month, but should be able to achieve when just running around 10k every day for the last 5 days of the month. Luckily it’s a gap year and February has 29 days this time around. My updated training log.


Less homesick than I was after returning from Germany, but still have to keep this goal in mind for Eli & Jade.

- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

教你无痛注册美区 App Store 账号,不需要信用卡和梯子 ...:2021-7-1 · 免信用卡、免梯子,10 分钟即可注册成功。 AppSo(微信号 appsolution)的这篇美国区 Apple ID 的注册教程,是一篇旧文的更新版本,所有的步骤都经过 ...

- sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, aim to be in bed by 9:30pm

Doing very well on this one the last few weeks. I mostly never sleep less than 7 hours, and sometimes even get to so sleep 8 hours and more. Now, what I want to improve next is sleep efficiency through closed mouth sleeping. Coincidentally as I was just thinking about my dry mouth phenomenon in the morning, the great Floris Gierman recorded a podcast with Patrick McKeown, who is a fervent advocate of nasal breathing. That podcast will be live soon, but in the meantime I dug more into Mr. McKeown’s so called Oxygen Advantage and the positive effects nasal breathing has on sleep, the brain and physical endurance.

- use a scale to check my weight every day

Back in Ningbo and just today my bluetooth enabled scale arrived. Logging weight from tomorrow. Additionally, I bought a blood pressure monitor and will measure my BP regularly every morning. While this might look like overkill, Dr. Maffetone in his book made me more aware of how important and revealing regular blood pressure measurements can be.

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

Yes, making progress, but still no total abstinence. It has become obvious to me how much I use my phone, especially before and after bed, and how much of that usage is needed to set an alarm or text my loved one, or simply wasted on reading the news and watching youtube.

- earn a promotion

The corona virus has had a huge impact on the Chinese economy as a whole, and I don’t know yet how that will affect my company and my position in particular. Since getting back to the office though, I have been hard at work on sourcing great products and pushing our marketing for Germany forward. I hope that the situation will return back to normal, and our business can thrive and enable me to get a promotion regardless of this massive dip right now.

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday 5am for 30 minutes + 30 minutes diary

I skipped my first updated last week. The superficial reason was, because I was preparing to go back to work in Ningbo, but the actual reason was pure laziness and dissatisfaction with own progress, especially in running.

I am finally back to work and the succesful routine I got used to last year. Live in Ningbo still is a little inconvenient thanks to the Corona virus and the policies enacted by the government. Most shops and restaurants are still closed, as are roads I used to run on. And wearing a mask and getting your temperature taken 6-7 times a day, doesn’t really add a comfortable feeling. I see things moving in the right direction however, and look forward to the next few weeks when the situation should have normalized. I am still wondering whether my Marathon in Yangchen will be cancelled, and how soon Eli is safe to return from Shengsi Island back to the big city of Hangzhou.

To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.

goals now running family focus writing resolutions update resolutions2024
February 13, 2024

Update 4 on my new year’s resolutions

You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2024 resolutions.

Running around Shengsi IslandRunning around Shengsi Island

- 25 books I deleted Twitter. Nothing there that would make my life better in any meaningful way. Maybe this helped me to finish 3 books by now. Right on schedule. But the current book I am reading is a big one. 1600 pages of 18th century Russian literature - tough to get through this in the next 14 days.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h I am on and off with the running. Not quite running as much as I wish I would, but also not completely lagging behind. I am on track for my monthly target of 250k, and will start my morning routine runs as of next Monday again. My updated training log.

- visit Germany once

Less homesick than I was after returning from Germany, but still have to keep this goal in mind for Eli & Jade.

- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

No update, it’s winter still and this is definitely something for summer, before Eli goes to kindergarten.

- sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, aim to be in bed by 9:30pm

Did well last week after I adjusted to the Chinese time zone again. The jetlag seems to be worse going east, instead of going west. First time in my life I used sleeping pills for the long flights and taming the jet-lag. I used melanin, which is supposed to be all natural, and also didn’t seem to have any effect on me. Heavy training in combination with factors like jet-lag or alcohol also increase insomnia. Last night I only got 4 hours of sleep after a strong run (15k), a long days work in a coffeshop instead of my office, and too much alcohol (2Liter) in the evening. Definitely need to keep reducing alcohol intake in order to be able to perform at my best. More than 1 glass of alcohol (wine, beer, schnapps) is affecting sleep and rest. Since I use my Garmin watch to track my sleep, I can even see, track and measure the effects in the astoundingly accurate iPhone如何挂梯子.

- use a scale to check my weight every day

No scale around while traveling. It will become become a priority to turn into a habit once back home and at work in February.

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

Have been better at this last week, mainly because I deleted twitter from my phone and worked on my reading goal. In the mornings I am still checking the phone for work updates or the weather, so I know when I can go for a run.

- earn a promotion

Been busy following up on the purchasing orders from our trip to IMM Cologne and also work has picked up significantly this week, with more regularity getting into the work from home. Next week Monday work will be back to normal with me being physically in the office.

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday 5am for 30 minutes + 30 minutes diary

I’ve been procrastinating this task until Thursday this week for no apparent reason. I think it’s just that the updates are getting less significant and I value writing these reports less the more often I do them. I figure that I need to keep my resolutions flexible to the upside, adding more where I deem it necessary or scrap some which evidently don’t change for many months. This way writing and keeping track of the improvements becomes more interesting.

I am not sure whether the Corona virus is under control now, but certainly businesses are eager re-open and thus many people are getting back to their offices this and next week. I’ll be going back to work next week and look forward to the regularity of the live in Ningbo.

To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.

goals now running 苹果手机用的梯子 focus writing resolutions update resolutions2024
February 5, 2024

nCov-Corona Virus

iPhone如何挂梯子2024-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins

Two weeks ago I was still in Germany laughing off the hysteria about the Corona infections and doubted the virus would have any effect on me. Now, two weeks later I am back in China and while my family and I are all well and healthy, the impact the virus had on our daily live is something I have not dealt with before.

2021最新创建美国Apple ID,不用再买美区账号啦-百度经验:2021-2-24 · 2021最新创建美国Apple ID,不用再买美区账号啦,2021年最新创建美国AleID教程,不需要梯子!绕过银行卡验证,仅仅需要大陆手机号即可。教你创建AleID美区账号。

光遇iOS国际服下载及美区氪金教程:2021-6-12 · 预备工作:准备一个梯子,后续操作会用到。准备美区Apple ID:挂上美区梯子,登录苹果官网,注册一个新的Apple ID,地区选择美国。付款方式选择none(如果没挂梯子则只能看 …

ios能用的梯子2021 - 苹果软件--免费绿色软件下载,共享软件 ...:2021-5-1 · ios能用的梯子2021一款100%免费,无限制,安全保证,超级好用。您可众连接到众下任何服务器(瑞典,英国,丹麦,法国,美国,荷兰和加拿大)的尽情享受无限制的在线隐私和自由。使用VPN

To travel from Shengsi to our home in Hangzhou for example we would have to go through at least 5 fever check-points: the first when boarding the ferry on Shengsi, the second when getting of the boat on the mainland, the third at a checkpoint along the highway towards Hangzhou, the fourth at a checkpoint when entering the city of Hangzhou, and the final check at the gates of our residential compound in Hangzhou.

This route right now is just theoretical though, because since yesterday the city of Hangzhou as pretty much quarantined itself and does not allow anyone to enter the city whose ID is not from Hangzhou.

2024-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins2024-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins

While these measures look outlandish to me, I must say that I feel extremely safe and confident in the government to contain the situation as good as they can right now. While were most likely at the outbreak of the crisis, I cannot think of any other state doing a better job right now. The city of Wuhan did underestimate the severity of the virus in the beginning and tried to cover up the cases so the bad news would not interfere with official meetings being held that time. In addition, after SARS broke out in China in 2003, the government built the largest disease surveillance & reporting system in the world. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out this time.

西语助手|西汉-汉西词典 梯子是什么意思_梯子的西语解释和 ...:他伔登上 梯子 去摘高枝上的苹果 。Aquí hay una escalera. 这里有一架 梯子。声明:众上例句、词性 类均由互联网资源自动生成,部 未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不伕表本软件的 ...

At this moment, of course, China is in dire need of more medical supplies such as face masks, but this inevitably is what happens when 1.4 billion people start wearing face masks on a daily basis. Apart from the obvious health crisis that is going on with over 20.000 suspected cases of infections, I feel there is no transparency crisis from an autocratic Chinese Government. Information is plentiful and freely shared on social media and of course face-to-face. I myself was visited and informed by the local police on my doorstep about the severity of the virus and steps I should take to preserve my health and that of my family and community.

2024-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins2024-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins

bb梯子游戏苹果版下载-android版:2021-6-13 · bb梯子游戏苹果版下载Android6.1.x众上,bb梯子游戏正版APP下载(Vv4.6.4是当下苹果IOS、安卓版流行速度快的APP(18.28M),音乐地图数据精确及时,android版下载安装量达492584人次,bb梯子游戏最新版深受大家喜欢的APP软件;

f3arra1n一键绕苹果激活锁解ID工具软件下载_f3arra1n一键绕 ...:2021-5-25 · f3arra1n一键绕激活工具是支持mac苹果系统使用的苹果绕激活锁解ID全平台工具,此版本能够解锁出电话4G信号,高级版的增加功用能够解锁Face ID、密码、通知、iCloud同步、Siri。需求留意的是该软件效劳器在国外,需求梯子运转。

China Corona Virus nCov Government Quarantine
February 4, 2024

Update 3 on my new year’s resolutions

You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2024 resolutions.

ios翻外墙用什么Target achieved

ios翻外墙用什么 The holidays seduce me to use twitter more than I like to admit. I’ve only read about a little and my status hasn’t changed much.

- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h I got sick last week. Probably over-trained myself in the hilly, windy and rainy conditions on the island. I had an unplanned rest of 4 days but recovered to about 95%. Since then I ran the whole island round twice (21k) and some beautiful runs on Shengsi. Training Program.

- visit Germany once


- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli

No update, it’s winter still and this is definitely something for summer, before Eli goes to kindergarten.

2021最新创建美国Apple ID,不用再买美区账号啦-百度经验:2021-2-24 · 2021最新创建美国Apple ID,不用再买美区账号啦,2021年最新创建美国AleID教程,不需要梯子!绕过银行卡验证,仅仅需要大陆手机号即可。教你创建AleID美区账号。

Did well last week after I adjusted to the Chinese time zone again. The jetlag seems to be worse going east, instead of going west. First time in my life I used sleeping pills for the long flights and taming the jet-lag. I used melanin, which is supposed to be all natural, and also didn’t seem to have any effect on me. Heavy training in combination with factors like jet-lag or alcohol also increase insomnia. Last night I only got 4 hours of sleep after a strong run (15k), a long days work in a coffeshop instead of my office, and too much alcohol (2Liter) in the evening. Definitely need to keep reducing alcohol intake in order to be able to perform at my best. More than 1 glass of alcohol (wine, beer, schnapps) is affecting sleep and rest. Since I use my Garmin watch to track my sleep, I can even see, track and measure the effects in the astoundingly accurate body battery.

教你无痛注册美区 App Store 账号,不需要信用卡和梯子 ...:2021-7-1 · 免信用卡、免梯子,10 分钟即可注册成功。 AppSo(微信号 appsolution)的这篇美国区 Apple ID 的注册教程,是一篇旧文的更新版本,所有的步骤都经过 ...

No scale around while traveling. It will become become a priority to turn into a habit once back home and at work in February.

- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed

I have been doing bad on this one last week. Especially in the mornings I used my phone without restraint. The evenings are easier to do when I am bringing Eli to bed with a story or some play. In the mornings I am mostly the first one to wake up and want to get up to speed on twitter before the rest of the day will demand too much of my time.

- earn a promotion

No update, I am still not back to the office to the Corona virus outbreak.

- write weekly progress of 2024 goals every Monday 5am for 30 minutes + 30 minutes diary

It’s Tuesday noon right now, so I am improving.

The holiday season has been extended by official decree from the central Government in here in China. We haven’t been able to get back to work and remain on the island instead. While the island is beautiful and safe without any infections recorded, it did throw us all of schedule of course. I expected to back at work already and follow a more rigorous schedule. Now, we’re working remote and less rigid as we’re still in something like island blues.

To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.

goals now running family focus writing resolutions update resolutions2024

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